Artists in the Schools

Artists in the Schools, a program of the Allied Arts Council, offers cultural enrichment to students in grades pre-K-12 in public and parochial schools in the St. Joseph area.
The program is aimed to engage participants in creative and educational demonstrations or guided arts activities. Sessions are designed to enhance educational programs and help to address learning standards or curricular goals. Any teacher may request an artist by completing a request form. Sessions are free to schools within the Northwest Missouri area. This year features nine artists with unique talents who offer programs in a variety of disciplines. As always, our artists are available to fit the expanded enrichment needs of your students, and all educators are encouraged to participate. We are able to offer 50 sessions for the 2024-2025 school year, so get your requests in early. The Allied Arts Council and the St. Joseph Public School District are members of the Partners in Education program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, working to foster partnerships among arts organizations, schools and communities. Selected because of a demonstrated commitment to the improvement of education in and through the arts, the partnership team participates in collaborative efforts to make the arts integral to education.
The Artists in the Schools program is fully endorsed by the St. Joseph School District and is partially funded by the Arts Fund of the Allied Arts Council and the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency. The PTA Council, individual PTAs, and local civic groups donate additional support.
Artists in the Schools