AKMA "From Study to Studio" Painting Study Workshop with Cody Wheelock

In the “Study to Studio” workshop, professional artist Cody Wheelock will guide students through the process of turning a small sketch or study into a large, finished studio painting. He will share the process he uses; topics covered will include enlargement strategies, how to block-in a piece, underpainting considerations, brushwork, layering, and more. By the end of the day students will have a strong start on developing a large studio version of a sketch.
** Please note students should have reference material and at least a partial sketch in paint completed prior to starting the workshop.
Material List:
- Finished or partially finished study (this should be a small piece you’d like to create into a larger studio painting)
- Stretched canvas or a prepared panel, size 12x16, 16x20, 20x20, 12x24, or 18x24
- Reference photo
- Painting medium of choice (oil, acrylic, wm oil)
** I prefer a limited palette of titanium white, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue, cadmium or naphthol red, alizarin crimson permanent, hanse yellow or lemon yellow, and burnt umber. Feel free to bring the colors you are most comfortable with.
- Brushes
- Jar for solvent (mineral spirts for oil, water for wm oil or acrylic)
- Palette knife
- Pencil
- Easer
- Ruler
Friday, February 7th
$100 (includes lunch)
Please park in the regular museum parking lot and follow the sidewalk east of the museum to the education center.