2024-2025 Sculptures
People’s Choice Award
Grab a brochure and take the Sculpture Walk today! Afterward, vote for your favorite sculpture, then deposit it in one of the four brochure/ballot boxes downtown or drop it off at the Allied Arts Council office, 118 S 8th Street.
Hurry, the deadline for voting for your favorite is January 31st, 2025!
#3 River People

Tim Adams
Website : timadamsartist.net
Materials : Stainless Steel & Lexan
Size : 7' height 2' width 4' depth 300 lbs. weight
Selling Price : $10,000.00
Sponsors : City of St. Joseph
Inspiration for the Artwork : “Clean water has always been a resource that man, plant, and animals depend upon to survive. Water was the life source for communities and people originally settled near rivers and waterways. Wind was another defining characteristic of the Midwest prairie impacting settlers. ‘River People’ pays tribute to the relationship between man, water, and wind. The blue wave pattern symbolizes clean water, the green color represents the land or bounty provided by plentiful water, and the center piece
which turns in the wind demonstrates the power of wind and its force in the Midwestern prairie.”