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A lady talking in front of a group of people at the  Advocacy Workshop in 2012.


Arts Advocacy

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The Allied Arts Council takes the lead in advocating for the arts at the national state, and local levels.  The arts are essential to a thriving community.  The arts promote innovation, attract new populations and businesses to the area, and boost tourism and the hospitality industry. The arts have a 21.1 million dollar economic impact in Buchanan County!

The non-profit arts organizations also help provide financial support for the for-profit creative community.

Call to Action

To stay informed about arts events and advocacy issues, subscribe to our bi-monthly updates.  (insert link)

To learn more about the economic impact of the arts (Link coming soon)

To learn about art advocacy events, check our calendar of events.

We urge you also to support the Missouri Citizens for the Arts.  For more information, visit

  • St. Joseph Convention and Visitors Bureau

  • Provides financial support to the Arts Council.

  • The Allied Arts Council is the City's official arts agency.