AKMA Pastel Workshop With Jill Tichenor

Learn how to work in pastels with Jill Tichenor. This class will have exercises to emphasize the use of the pastels and techniques and is great for both beginners and those that would like more guidance in their current pastel painting process.
Pastel Painting Supplies:
• Rembrandt soft pastels set. Half sticks. Set 15
• Assorted Mi-Teintes 24 Sheet Pad size 9x12
• Kneaded Eraser
• Blending stump size 3/8
• Fabre-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencil Set Assorted Colors Tin Box Set of 12
Please park in the regular museum parking lot and follow the sidewalk east of the museum to the education center.
$100 per person, includes lunch